A School Management ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) is a software system specifically designed to manage various administrative tasks and operations within an educational institution. It helps streamline and automate processes, enhance communication, and improve overall efficiency in managing school-related activities. Here are some key features typically found in a School Management ERP:


1. Student Information Management: It allows administrators to maintain and access a centralized database of student information, including personal details, academic records, attendance, and disciplinary history.


2. Admissions and Enrollment: The system facilitates the admission process, from application submission to enrollment, by managing student inquiries, tracking application status, and generating admission reports.


3. Timetable Management: This feature enables the creation and management of school timetables, class schedules, and teacher allocations. It helps avoid conflicts and ensures an optimal distribution of resources.


4. Attendance Tracking: The ERP system helps automate attendance recording, track student presence, generate reports, and send notifications to parents or guardians in case of absences.


5. Gradebook and Exam Management: It provides a platform for teachers to record and manage students' grades, generate report cards, and schedule and manage exams, including automated grading features.


6. Financial Management: This module handles financial operations such as fee collection, invoicing, payment tracking, and generating financial reports. It may also integrate with accounting software.


7. Communication and Collaboration: The ERP system facilitates communication among various stakeholders, including teachers, students, parents, and administrators. Features like messaging, announcements, and online forums promote seamless collaboration.


8. Library Management: It allows librarians to manage the library inventory, track book loans, generate reports, and facilitate an online catalog for students and teachers to search for resources.


9. Human Resources and Payroll: This module helps manage employee data, attendance, leave requests, payroll processing, and performance evaluation of staff members.


10. Activity and House: Through this students can be regrouped in small houses and manage events and other activities efficiently.


11. Homework Management: It helps in managing class / homework with better tracking and proper assessment.


12. Discipline Management: It helps in assigning and communication good and bad discipline remarks on students / staff.


13. Assets/Inventory Management: It helps maintaining of Assets with proper tracking.


14. Infirmary Management: It helps to records periodic medical and physical test of students for preventive and emergency circumstances.


15. Transport and Bus-tracking: It helps to record transport users with live tracking purposes.


16. Reporting and Analytics: The ERP system generates detailed reports and provides analytical tools to help administrators and teachers analyze data, track performance, and make data-driven decisions.


17. Integration and Customization: A good School Management ERP should have the flexibility to integrate with other systems such as Learning Management Systems (LMS), email services, and online payment gateways. Customization options may also be available to tailor the software to specific school requirements.




It's worth noting that there are several school management software solutions available in the market, each with its own set of features and capabilities. Institutions can choose the software that best aligns with their specific requirements and budget.



1. Pricing of products varies on the number of usage of Modules and number of current users in schools/colleges.

2. Price(AMC) varies between Rs. 15,000 to Rs. 2,50,000/- per year with an annual price escalation clause.

3. Cost of customisation is exclusive and finalised based on man-hours required for completion of the job.

4. IT services price based on mutual understanding basis.